Discover why your child is not speaking as expected!

The Speak To Me Parent Course is for parents who want to know 10 reasons why a child may not speak as expected and be guided through a workbook with a licensed speech pathologist to determine just why their child is struggling.


During September only, get the entire 5-hour course plus parent workbook for a 68% savings. For a limited time, this course is just $79 (normally $247). Offer Expires Sept 30.

"I was so relieved to finally get straightforward answers and explanations to the possible reasons behind my grandson's speech delay. Carol takes the anxiety out of this difficulty and sets you on the right path for the child. - Carol P.

"If you have any concerns about your child’s speech or language acquisition, or have been told 'Don’t worry, your child will outgrow that', Ms. Krakower’s comprehensive and step-by-step guide will set you and your child up for success."

- Nancy D.

"As a parent of child who stuttered and has grown into a successful adult, I think Ms. Krakower’s advice is down to earth in situations that can be very anxiety provoking. I recommend this as a guide for families and caregivers."

- Erin L.

What You'll Learn In This Course

Physical Reasons for speech difficulties

  • Does your child have muscle-based difficulty?

  • What are the signs of a tongue tie? 

  • What causes a tongue thrust and what does it mean?

  • What does it mean to have motor planning difficulty and how does this affect speech?

  • All these reasons will be explained and you'll be guided through the step-by-step workbook

Perceptual reasons for speech difficulty

  • Why can't my child imitate words correctly? 

  • Particularly important for parents of children who have had many ear infections

  • The workbook will help you define how your child speaks and if the speech errors indicate a perceptual reason.

Why doesn't my child listen to me?

  • Does my child really hear what I am saying? 

  • Why does my child seem to ignore me when I call?

  • Could it be that my child does not understand what I am saying? Why not?

  • Why can my child name so many things, but have difficulty talking to others?

  • You will be guided through the workbook to observe patterns in your child's speech to get a clearer idea of why your child doesn't listen to you!

Is is really stuttering?

  • Is stuttering just a phase that many children go through and outgrow?

  • What indicates that it's really stuttering?

  • What can I do to help my child speak smoothly?

  • Although many young children repeat words or sounds when they speak, sometimes it is developmental and sometimes it is stuttering. Learn the difference by going through the lessons and the workbook!

What's Included In Speak To Me Parent Course

  • 8 Modules of learning 10 different reasons why a child has difficulty speaking

  • 17 bite-size videos in all!

  • A detailed workbook featuring course highlights and guiding you to observe your child's speech and look for patterns that indicate why your child is struggling

  • Download the entire course immediately!

Daily Practice Exercises
Daily Practice Exercises

Meet Your Instructor

I was once a young mom, too!

Hi, I'm Carol Krakower, M.A. CCC-SLP. I am a licensed speech pathologist and the director of Cornerstone Speech & Language in Wall, New Jersey. For decades, parents have come into my clinic wanting to know why their child is not speaking as expected. In my experience, most parents are very surprised to find out why their child is struggling. And, most parents are a little bit afraid.

Parents are afraid that they didn't provide enough stimulation at home for the child to speak well. They are surprised to find out that stimulation alone is not the answer! They are afraid that their child may not be smart. They are surprised to find out that some very smart kids have difficulty speaking!

I know how you feel. I was once a young mom with five children. Because each child is unique, raising children is one of the most challenging things you ever do. But, as a speech pathologist, I have been helping children learn to speak well for decades. I know what works! First, though, you need to know why your child is not speaking as expected. What works for anther child may not work for your child.

This is the guide you have been searching for! Not only do I explain 10 different reasons for a child to struggle, but the course includes a 93-page workbook. After each video, I ask you to observe your child in specific areas, and write down what you observe. We then go through different types of struggles and how to identify what is challenging for your child by looking at patterns that you discover about your child's speech.  

By taking this course at home, you will get expert advice. Yes, your friends and relatives and mothers you meet in playgroups all have opinions, but do they really know why your child is not speaking as expected? Opinions are not reliable if the person with the opinion is not educated enough on the subject.

Who Is This Course For?

  • Parents who are worried when they notice that their child is not speaking as other children of the same age

  • Parents who are not sure if it's developmental or it indicates that they need to help their child

  • Parents who notice that their child is feeling frustrated at not being understood.

  • Parents who want to be pro-active and help their child achieve success!

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • Parents looking for an online speech evaluation by a speech pathologist. This is a course for parents, not a formal evaluation.

  • Parents looking for a course to do speech therapy at home 

Frequently Asked Questions

What skill level is this program for?

This course will make you an educated parent. Even if you, like most parents, know little about child speech development, by the end of the course you will have a basic understanding of speech and language development. You will then use the workbook to map out your child's development and look for patterns to indicate why your child is likely struggling to speak as you expected.

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

You receive the course with 17 videos and the workbook immediately and you have unlimited access to the course.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

That could be dangerous! There is a lot of misinformation posted by non-professionals who feel that one size fits all. Particularly damaging are parents who feel that they have found the answer for their child, and it will fit your child, too! The most important thing you need to know is WHY your child is struggling. Only then can you help your child appropriately. This course will guide you to figure out why your child, and your child uniquely, is struggling and will point you in the right direction to help your child achieve success.

How long will it take to complete the course?

It could take as little as a single evening. Probably, it will take you about 3 days. You will learn to observe your child's speech more carefully. You will know what to look for. You will look at your child's speech patterns with an educated perspective to figure out where your child is struggling.

Three days to finally know, to stop worrying.

In three days, you will be ready to take action to help your child!

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely! Speak To Me Parent Course has a 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the Speak To Me Parent Course Program, then contact us within 7 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

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